Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hat for Bill - part 2

Having knit the hat one time in it's entirety and then ripped it all out (see my previous post), I started up again. This time, I went with the 1-1½-inch negative ease, I knit the entire lining in stockinette stitch ... and I remembered to take a couple "in progress" photos.

I modified the process just a little by leaving the provisional yarn at the bottom of the lining and picking up the main yarn there. So the revised process was:
  1. Provisional cast on using lining yarn and work about an inch. 
  2. Pick up stitches at provisional cast on. Using main main yarn, work a couple rounds, then work a turning round and work back up to even with lining "fabric".
  3. Join the main "fabric" and the lining "fabric" together.
  4. Work the rest of the lining and the rest of the main hat separately.
  5. Tack the pieces together at the top.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hat for Bill - part 1

This is the hat to go with the "Gloves (and then a Hat) for Bill" that I posted almost 2 months ago now. It took a while to work this out (obviously) ... and the 2 (or was it 3) re-knits definitely slowed me down.

The first issue was the yarn. It is way too itchy to work on its own and Bill wanted a simple close fitting hat, so I knew I'd need to line the entire hat. As an old hand at sewing, I knew I could sew in a lining, but this is knitting and it seems to me that a knit hat should have a knit lining. So (he-he) I picked up some Ella Rae Bamboo Silk yarn (70% bamboo, 30% silk) in Pumpkin.
The color really is a pumpkin orange and not as bright as it appears in these photos. Nevertheless, it isn't a "match" for the Classic Elite Desert yarn ...
but the yarn and the color work great for Bill and after all that's what really matters!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Must finish this - Update 3

So, I've been back from Kauai for 2 weeks and it's time for another status report.

I've done a tiny bit of work on the back, which looks like this on the right side ...
And this on the wrong side ...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Socks: Serenity / Pyroclastic / Widdershins

Now that they are finally finished, I thought I'd write up the pattern for the socks from my Knitting in Kauai / Second Sock, Second Time posts. I named these "Serenity / Pyroclastic / Widdershins" because ...

Serenity is the yarn — Deborah Norville Collection Serenity Sock yarn. Pyroclastic is the source of the lace pattern. Widdershins is the source of the heel.

Here are a few photos of the finished socks.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Second Sock, Second Time

As mentioned at the end of my previous post, during my recent trip to Kauai, I just about finished knitting this second sock ... for the second time!!
So, why a second time? After all, the first sock looks perfectly fine, doesn't it? Of course it does.

Nevertheless, after I finished the toe on the second sock, I had a "bright" idea to knit the sole of the second sock in twisted stockinette stitch. Just to do something different ... and without knitting a gauge swatch.

I know better than that!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Knitting in Kauai

Although I didn't work on weaving in ends while I was in Kauai, I did knit. (Of course!) Mostly, I worked on a pair of socks.
While sitting here ...
and looking out at this ...
One morning, I noticed a fellow knitter sitting in the lovely atrium area of the hotel.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Must finish this - Update 2

Okay, another 2 weeks have gone by, so it's time for another status report. What have I accomplished? Absolutely nothing!

Oh, I had ideas. On, Tuesday, Oct. 25, I packed up my bags for a trip to Kauai. I slid the back & front into a bag.
Then, into my suitcase.