Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hat for Bill - part 2

Having knit the hat one time in it's entirety and then ripped it all out (see my previous post), I started up again. This time, I went with the 1-1½-inch negative ease, I knit the entire lining in stockinette stitch ... and I remembered to take a couple "in progress" photos.

I modified the process just a little by leaving the provisional yarn at the bottom of the lining and picking up the main yarn there. So the revised process was:
  1. Provisional cast on using lining yarn and work about an inch. 
  2. Pick up stitches at provisional cast on. Using main main yarn, work a couple rounds, then work a turning round and work back up to even with lining "fabric".
  3. Join the main "fabric" and the lining "fabric" together.
  4. Work the rest of the lining and the rest of the main hat separately.
  5. Tack the pieces together at the top.

I didn't think to take photos until after I had joined the main "fabric" and lining "fabric" and started knitting the rest of the lining. Here's the lining side:
Another shot showing the lining yarn tail from the provisional cast on.
Here's a close up of the join of the main "fabric" and the lining "fabric"
And a not so close shot.
I finished the lining and then picked up the main yarn. On my "part 1" version, I felt the top of the hat was a little "poofy", so this time I shortened it up a little.

That turned out to be a mistake ... and led to more ripping. Although this time, I only needed to rip back to when I started the crown decreases.

Finally though, Bill did have a hat. I took a few photos. (Notice that on neither the main side or the lining side does the other yarn "bleed" through. So, no "itchy" yarn on the inside and no lining yarn on the outside.)
Then, I asked Bill if he would take some pictures.
I think we can clearly see who the photographer is in this family! He certainly deserves a nice, warm, non-itchy hat.

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