Monday, November 21, 2011

Must finish this - Update 3

So, I've been back from Kauai for 2 weeks and it's time for another status report.

I've done a tiny bit of work on the back, which looks like this on the right side ...
And this on the wrong side ...

I know that it looks like I haven't done anything at all. However, closer inspection of the lower right shows ...
See, I did get a little, tiny bit done.

So, how far along am I? Here' my "back of the envelope" assessment:

  • The back has 8 full flowers, 6 partial flowers, vines between the flowers and 5 floating leaves
  • Estimating the partial flowers to be equivalent to 3 full flowers and the 5 floating leaves to be equivalent to 1 full flower - both of which seem reasonable - I have a total of 12 flowers (plus vines) to complete
  • As of today I've completed 1 flower (plus vines)
  • Which means that by my "back of the envelope" estimate, I am 1/12th of the way through weaving in the back.

Hmmm, 1/12th in 2 weeks?? Plus, I haven't touched the front yet. If I want to wear this sweater this winter, I need to pick up the pace a LOT!!

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