Old Grace Church

In December 2011, Bill and I bought a new house, that's actually an old church. We're the third post-church owners. The brief history I've been able to track down is:

  • 1968: First service held in the church
  • 1972: Addition ("Benson Hall") completed
  • 1997: Mark S. buys the church
  • 2008: Mike & Jen K. buy Old Grace Church from Mark S.
  • 2011: Bill & Laura buy Old Grace Church from Mike & Jen

Quite a few of my 2012 posts have been about Old Grace Church rather than knitting. I'm sure I'll "revert to the norm" sooner or later. In the meantime, I've been enjoying posting about our new place. Plus, it's a great way to share with my far away family and friends.

Everything: For all my Old Grace Church posts

Or ...
Grace Church, Humphrey Head: Some shots from 1997 when it was still a church
Our new house: What it looked when and right after we bought it. Plus, where it is.
Kitchen Update: Winter/Spring 2012
Settling In to the New House: Spring/Summer 2012

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