Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting started

My husband Bill and my niece Catie have both suggested that I should start blogging and since they both know that I always do what I'm told  ...

Given that Catie was a main catalyst for this endeavor, it seems appropriate that she's part of my first post. Plus, I have pictures of her wearing a pair of fingerless mitts that I knit last fall when she was staying with us on Lopez. (I did recently knit a pair of gloves for Bill, but I don't have any pictures yet.) So, Catie it is!

I forgot to get pictures while Catie was on Lopez and it was when she emailed these photos that she wrote "I'm going to get on your case about starting a blog. It'd be a great way to keep track of all your projects, PLUS all your sisters (and niece) (and the Meemster) could spy on them as well."

I'll leave the spying part to them, but for the "keeping track" part ...

The main yarn is Wisdom Yarns Los Angeles sock yarn (color #241) and it's knit in a Chevron pattern. The contrast yarn (used in the fair isle section at the wrist and the edging at the top edge of the thumb and hand) is Island Fibers 2 ply. Island Fibers is a local place and Catie and I picked out these 3 contrast yarns when we visited their studio during last year's Lopez Island Studio Tour.
The sock yarn is knit on #3 needles. The Chevron pattern (multiple of 8), working in the round is:
R1: k1, inc 1, k2, k2tog tbl, return this st to L needle, pass next st over it, replace st on R needle, k2, inc 1
R2: k
The contrast yarn is knit on #2 needles. The fair isle pattern is:

Deciphering my "Mitts for Catie" pattern notes will have to wait for another day.

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