Sunday, March 25, 2012

How Painting is Like Knitting (aka Kitchen Update - Part 4)

[Another re-dated post that was originally written in June.]

House painting that is. You might think it's a bit of a stretch, but it occurred to me a couple months ago while I was doing some painting at our new house.

As mentioned in my previous Kitchen Update posts (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3), the new house didn't have a spot for our washer/dryer and we decided to create one. Bill tore out about half the kitchen, made plumbing and electrical changes and put the wall back together. Right about then, it was time for Bill to go to BC with his buddy Craig and move Craig's new boat down from BC to Lopez.

And it was time for me to paint.

Before you actually paint, you need to lay down drop cloths ...
tape off/cover anything at risk for getting paint on it ...
spackle (and sometimes caulk) ...
and lastly, you need to prime ...
Finally, after all of this, you can actually paint the first coat ...
and the second coat.

(I know you can't really see the difference between the primer, the first coat and the second coat in these photos. Trust me, I did all three!)

It is really tempting to skip or short-circuit one or more of the preparation steps. However, in my experience, taking the time to do the prep work, really pays off.

And that is how painting is like knitting!

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