Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wow! Is It March Already?

[In this midst of a bunch of re-dated posts, this one is accurately dated. Bill was spending most days at the new house working on the Kitchen Update and I was spending most days at the old house.]

I can't believe it's been 3 months since my last post!! Winter is my busy season, but this is ridiculous. Of course, the fact that I haven't been blogging, doesn't mean that I haven't been knitting. (Hey, even during the busy season you still have to wait in ferry lines and ride in/on ferries/cars/airplanes/trains.) But, I'm back at it now. I'll probably do a few post-dated posts, matched up to when I actually did the knitting,

However ... today is a post about what I've come to learn is a typical Lopez winter/spring day.

This morning I took a look at our weather forecast. It's been raining a lot and this morning was yukky and I wanted to see just how long it would be until we got some sunshine. Here's what I saw:
Egads!! Another week of this!!!

Bill headed out to Sunset (our island hardware store) and over to the new house. He took the mail, but left one item because it was in a large envelope so I didn't know how much the postage would be. I said something about walking down to the post office ... if we got a break in the weather.

Well, low and behold sometime around late morning, this is what it looked like out my front window.
And the kitchen window ...
It's so gorgeous, I went out and took a few more shots ...
(The garlic is starting to come up in the middle bed.)
Before heading out to the post office and a full loop around the village.

When I first moved up here, Bill told me that the key to surviving winters in the Pacific Northwest is enjoying the breaks in the weather when they come ... because they do come. It really isn't gray and rainy all day, every day, all winter long. (But don't tell anyone. It's our best kept secret.)

P.S. It's a good thing I got out when I did. It isn't raining at the moment, but the clouds have rolled in and we've gone from clear blue skies to completed cloudy.

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