Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Rest of the House

While the kitchen was wonderful ("Kitchen Tour"), the rest of the house was a move-in-mess, to one degree or another.

The stairs in the back corner of the kitchen go up to the sleeping loft.

Hard to miss the cross motif. Here it's on the landing rail. If you look directly above the rail you can see a bit of a cabinet (with cross cut-outs). There's another one on the landing itself, tucked in below the upper one.
Those cabinets used to be in the "nave" (the main room). When we bought the house ("New House"), they looked like this.
And there were open bookshelves on the landing and along the upper stairs. (You can just barely see the  shelves on the right edge of this photo.)

Bill took the "nave" cabinets off the walls and cut the cabinet sections apart from the shelf sections. A single cabinet went on the landing where it became the home for our cookbooks. (We had to do major cookbook culling to make that work.) Bill assembled the three other sections and they replaced the open shelves along the upper shelves.

Going up the stairs, you can see a corner of the re-located cabinets on the left and the edge of the bed on the floor.
In our entire adult lives, neither Bill or I had owned real bedroom furniture. We decided it was time. None of  our old bedroom furniture made the move to the new house. For now, the bed's on the floor and clothes are in plastic bins (the ones that don't fit in our very small closet).

Here are a couple more shots of the loft ...
From that half-wall, you look down to the kitchen.
Now, back down stairs and through the door to the nave.
Stepping in, our "pub" table with two chairs is directly ahead. Further in and to the right is our sofa and coffee table.
Walking in more and rotating to the right, the sofa and coffee table are now on the left side with the wood stove and leather chair towards the right. On the far right (mostly not in this photo) is the pile of "stuff" along the back wall - the one that separates the "nave" from the "efficiency apartment".
In the front entry way, our coat closet is under construction.
Just outside the front door is my clivia - which has done incredibly well up here and, low and behold, turns out to be deer resistant! In the curved nook are Bill's beautiful new pots. In the middle one is a Japanese maple we moved over from the old house.
Soon, there should be improvements on the mess!

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