Monday, May 21, 2012

The (Mostly) Complete Loft

The bedroom furniture has arrived!!

In our entire adult lives, neither Bill nor I have had real bedroom furniture. We decided it was time. So, we sold off the old stuff and for about a month, slept on a mattress was on the floor and kept our clothes in plastic bins.

But no more! Now, the view up the stairs looks like this.
And at the top of the stairs ...
What luxury! A real bed (complete with head board and foot board), a dresser ...
... and nightstands.
From the bed, you can look out the opening skylight.
On the other side, tucked behind that yellow wall ... our walk-in (if you duck) closet.
The closet's pretty small, but then, life on Lopez doesn't require much in the way of hanging clothes.

P.S. It's "mostly" complete because we need artwork for the walls. Plus, I don't think I'll be able to resist putting just a couple things on those miles of flat surfaces.

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