Saturday, May 3, 2014

Twisted Lace Socks - May 2014 UFO Week

For my first UFO week, I decided to work on my Twisted Lace Socks.
It's a little bit of a stretch to call them a UFO. I started them in February. In my knitting journal, I called them "Valentine's Day Socks". I made good progress, but then, about a month ago, spring was in the air and I set them aside.

Back in February, I swatched several different patterns. None were really working for me until I flipped through a magazine my sister Jeanne had given me for Christmas a couple years ago - Quick Knits from Classic Elite Yarns, 37 Fabulous Patterns for Wraps, Socks, Hats, and More. I decided to try the Eyelet Rib stitch from the Twisted Lace Socks pattern and liked it.

Believe it or not, it never even occurred to me to check what yarn was called for in the pattern. It was only today, when I googled "Twisted Lace Socks," that I stumbled on "Alpaca Sox Twisted Lace Socks" by Jillian Moreno on Ravelry. I could tell from the picture that this was the same pattern and I had a recollection that "Alpaca Sox" was the yarn I had used. I scrounged through my knitting bag and found the label.
What a kick! Completely unbeknownst to me, I actually used the yarn called for in the pattern!

So, I used both the pattern's yarn and it's Eyelet Rib stitch. Anything else? Ummm ... not really. I knit toe-up ...
Worked both socks at the same time, using the 2 ends of the same ball of yarn ...
Added a little shaping to the instep by decreasing a few stitches on the sole just after I cleared the ball of the foot. (That doesn't show up in any of these pictures. I'll have to remember to get that in the finished sock photos.) I used Cat Bordhi's Sweet Tomato Heel ...
And now here I am, most of the way up the leg ...
I just need to finish the leg, knit the cuff and bind off. Why, oh why, did I set these socks aside? I was so close to being finished. To be honest, I think I was getting a little bored.

However, it is a great project to kick off my UFO week plan. I'll almost certainly finish these ... which will mean that my first UFO week will be big success ... and that will (probably) mean I'll ... look forward to my next UFO week ... which will increase the chance that it will be a success ... and that my UFO week plan will actually work.

Plus, I'll have a new pair of socks and I'll get those needles back!

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