Friday, May 23, 2014

Faux Latte (without a milk frother)

This process is quick and easy and uses standard kitchen equipment ... plus a little muscle power. That's it!

I've been making these for about 6 months now and while they are most definitely not the real thing, I think they're a pretty good substitute.

All you need are your preferred coffee-making implements
... and a "milk" container with a good seal.

I start by warming things up with boiling water. First , my coffee mug ...
... and then the "milk" container.
Now, I make a strong, short coffee.
I use an AeroPress, but any method will work. The coffee just needs to be strong - because you'll be adding more water during the "milk" step - and you need to leave enough room in the cup for the "milk".

Next, I pour several tablespoons of half-and-half into my pre-warmed "milk" container.
Add several tablespoons of boiling water. (I use about 2 ounces of each.)
Seal tightly.
Shake vigorously.
Pour this lovely, frothy "milk" into the coffee.
VoilĂ ! A delicious, faux latte in minutes.

It is important that the milk container has a tight seal. (Those plastic wide mouth lids don't cut it.) Also, I usually hold the milk container in a kitchen towel when I'm shaking it. That is, until I figured out an alternate milk container ...
With this, I pre-heat the thermos first. Pour the water from the thermos into my coffee cup. Put the half-and-half and boiling water in the thermos. Then, make my coffee, shake the thermos and pour.

Either way, I think it's a delicious option for those times when a true latte just isn't going to happen. In fact, I think I'll go make myself one right now.

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