Thursday, January 17, 2013

I STILL Need a Hat

While I haven't finished up my Shoal Bay Slouch posts, I have finished the hat. Bill took a few pics of me wearing the hat.
Turns out I didn't wear this one for very long. I gave it away to our friend Karlena. Luckily, I had enough yarn to knit a second one.

That one went with me when we flew to Fort Worth for Christmas with my family ... but it didn't come back.

Somehow, the hat ended up on my sister Barbara's head. (I can't remember the exact series of events.)
Catie & Barbara
Barbara & Ben
And that's where it stayed. Hey, it looked sooooo cute on B, how could I take it off her head?

I started this hat, because I had given away my last hat ... to my sister Jeanne ... last Christmas!! What's that old saying about the definition of insanity?

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