Friday, December 9, 2011

I Need a Hat - The Cross Stitch, version 2

In my previous post, I showed the method I've been using for the 1-over-2 left cross from my first "I Need a Hat" post. (I think I'm going to call this hat "Moss & Cross".) It's a cabling-without-a-cable-needle method that is quick and easy, but does involve leaving a stitch "hanging out", completely unsecured while you work 2 other stitches.

The following is an alternate method for cabling-without-a-needle.

Here we are at round 5 again. (The first stitch on the left needle has been slipped in each of the previous 2 rounds.)

Begin by slipping the next 3 stitches from the left needle to the right needle. One ...
Two ...
Three ...
Keeping the left needle on the front side of the work, insert the tip of the left needle into the third stitch on the right needle. (The first one you slipped above.)
Now pull the right needle out of all three of these stitches. For just a moment here, 2 stitches will be unsecured. You can pinch them between your thumb and index finger if you like.
Now, re-insert the right needle into the 2 loose stitches only.
Bring your left needle back towards the left (crossing in front of the 2 stitches on the right needle)
Slip the first 2 stitches on the right needle back to the left needle. One and two ...
Now you are ready to knit the next 3 stitches and complete the 1-over-2 left cross.

That's an alternate method for cabling-without-a-needle. For this project, I prefer the "hanging out" method (described in my previous post). I think it's quicker and easier. (For me, picking up the single stitch in the front of the work is a little easier than re-inserting the right needle into the 2 loose stitches.)

Next up will be the completed hat (and why I still need a hat).

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