Sunday, October 14, 2012

Shoal Bay Slouch - Part 3, Knitting

Oh joy, oh bliss, it's time to cast on and start knitting.

Having done my swatching, blocking (Part 1) and pattern planning (Part 2) earlier this afternoon, I just had to get started with the actual knitting.

I cast-on and did the braid (mentioned in Part 2 with a link to a video). I had an ugly twisted mess at the end of the first purl round, but by the end of the second purl round the twists were gone. I knit an inch of 1x1 rib and considered doing another round of braid, but decided against it.
 I really like this braided edge!

I moved on to the main body, knitting 2 rounds of st st in the lighter color and then starting in on my pattern.
After plowing right through the first color change, it occurred to me to use a jogless join. (DUH!!)
The circle is my "plow through" and the arrow is the jogless join. I think this still looks a little "joggy", but it's much better than the "plow through".

This is where I was when I decided I needed to call it a night and go to bed.
(It's not just the photos. The colors change a lot depending on the light.)

I have a busy work week coming up, so I don't expect to be doing any knitting during the week.

(Part 4 is now posted.)

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