Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kitchen Update - Part 1

[First in a series of Kitchen Update posts. All written in June and re-dated to be closer to when they occurred.]

My "New House" post shows photos of the house as it looked when we decided to buy it. We really liked what the previous owners - Mike & Jen - had done to the place. (If not, we wouldn't have bought since neither of us had much enthusiasm for taking on a big remodel project.)

However, the new house didn't have a laundry room or laundry closet. In fact, it didn't have a washer & dryer anywhere at all. It did have plumbing for an under-counter combination unit to go in the kitchen (replacing the cabinet 2 to the right of the stove in this photo).
As the laundress in our household, I made a management decision and told Bill this just wouldn't work for me. (I like our current, fairly new, washer & dryer quite a lot plus my past experience with the combination units was not impressive.)